What are eyelash extensions?
Not to be confused with the self-stick strip falsies of yesteryear or individual clusters of lashes knotted together that are a single-event accessory. These semi-permanent eyelash extensions are glued one by one onto the natural lash (not the skin) by using a specially formulated glue that last 3-6 weeks. Single eyelashes are applied to your own natural eyelash to achieve a beautiful full luscious and long set of lashes that are natural and you won’t even know they are there.
What do they look like and how do they feel?
With proper application, eyelash extensions look and feel completely real. Each application is customized to suit the individual. The overall effect is added curl, thickness and length, opening up the eye for added definition. As long as you keep up with the touch up applications, it is almost impossible to tell that you are wearing the extensions.
What are the benefits of wearing eyelash extensions?
The main advantage of wearing eyelash extensions is how much time you can save during your beauty regimen. Eyelash extensions allow you to spend less time with makeup; mascara is no longer necessary. The added benefit is that they look beautiful morning and night, all day, every day.
Can I still wear eye makeup?
Yes, but you won’t need mascara and you may even find you won’t need eyeliner, but you can still use eyeliner and eye shadows as usual but remember to remove with a product that does not contain oil of any kind as this will affect the glue. We recommends removing eyeliner and eyeshadow using a damp cotton ball. To remove eyeshadow wet a cotton wipe and water, gently remove eye shadow in a side and upward movement not down onto the eyelash extensions. Wiping down towards the lashes will cause a build up of makeup on the lashes and may lessen the life of them.
Can I get my eyelash extensions wet?
Yes. The bonding agent used is waterproof and allows you to shower, swim, exercise etc. Special care is required but overall maintenance is low. It is recommended however that you do not wash your eye area for about 12- 24 hours after the eyelash application.
How long will my lash extensions last?
Your eyelash extension will remain in place until the natural lash on which it rests falls out. Each day we can loose 3-5 natural lashes, but often they fall out unnoticed, this is called your eyelash cycle. Fill-ins are needed when your natural eyelash has fallen out and there was an lash extension applied to it. You will need a fill-in every 2-4 weeks if you would like to maintain a full fresh set of lashes.
I had eyelash extensions applied somewhere else can you fix them or fill-in?
I prefer not to mix my work with other peoples work so it is advised that you either allow your extensions to naturally come off or you have the option of having the extensions removed before your appointment to have a new set applied. If your eyes are red and sore from the incorrectly applied eyelash extensions that were applied elsewhere, we would advise resting your eyes from extensions for approximately 3-4 weeks before having new a professional set reapplied.
Can you describe the application process?
You will be comfortably reclined with your eyes closed while your lash extensions are applied one at a time to your own natural eyelashes. There is no discomfort or pain involved in the procedure. In fact, most clients find it is so relaxing and comfortable that they fall asleep.
Why the name change from "Lashed by Lynn"?
We are expanding the brand to include Lash Products, After Care Products, Other Services, and new location in 2016. We felt it was best to change the name to reflect the current and future growth of the company. Our main area of focus is and continues to be Eyelash Extensions, hence the name "Glam Lash Lounge" ("Glam Lash" for short)!! We are excited about all the new things to come in the remaining 2015 and beyond!!